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High Halstow Neighbourhood Plan

High Halstow Neighbourhood Plan was previously hosted on its own website but has now been moved to be incorporated within the Community website

Home * Draft Neighbourhood Plan ViewsRoad VideosInteractive Grounds Maintenance Map
* FootpathsDraft Design Code * Design Code Summary


The Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation  has been extended for 6 weeks to allow full public and further participation of residents

The Draft Design Code element of the plan has now also been added. We are keen to hear you views  so please comment. Go to full Draft Design Code Summary

It is important to note that as we stand today the Local Plan has not been adopted and the HIF project is far from complete.  To add to this, the current (2003) Local Plan  is not fit for purpose and it does not now include the very important 5 year building strategic land supply. This renders the whole of Medway susceptible to speculative development.

The Parish Council would like to make clear that it fundamentally opposes development of High Halstow and Hoo on the scale planned by Medway Council. We believe the nature of the transport infrastructure and Ecology of the Hoo peninsula deems it totally unsustainable.  The Parish Council has no confidence  that developers will not bring forward applications for planning in High Halstow ahead of the adoption of the Local Plan. 

We therefore urge you to put aside your objections to development East of High Halstow for one moment for the purposes of this consultation that we might achieve the very best for the village in the event development is brought forward. Please answer questions objectively and join in with the pragmatic approach we have taken. Your views are important to us collectively to ensure the village remains the best it can be.

We understand that the draft Local Plan is due to be released for its last public consultation for a 12 week period in January 2022. If you wish to object to development of the peninsula now or at any time write separately to Medway Council in the most strongest and polite manner and copy in clerk@highhalstow-pc.Gov.Uk . We strive to continue to keep the Hoo Peninsula and its internationally protected marshes and the UK’s most important population of nightingale safe for generations to come.

Please navigate here to the:-

Draft Neighbourhood Plan               Comment on Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Draft Design Code                              Download Draft Design Code 

If you wish to respond by email  by email please send comments to Ray.Collins@highHalstow-PC.gov.uk 

Ray Collins

Chair Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

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