High Halstow Community Site

High Halstow Community Clubs and Organisations



At approximately 170 feet above sea level, High Halstow is one of the highest points on the Hoo Peninsula.

The Romans have been credited with the first two attempts at building a sea wall. The subsequent draining of the marshes had a two-fold benefit in that pastureland was created which supported the hardy sheep and the indigent malaria bearing mosquito was deprived of their breeding grounds.

One would have imagined that the Hoo Peninsula would have been a prime target during wartime attacks, lying as it does in such an exposed position. Luckily for the residents at the time, very few bombs actually landed here.

The geological make up of the area is predominately clay which gives rise to subsidence problems in some areas.

Some years ago there was a land-slip to the east of the village when a large mass of land slipped away, exposing an underlying gravel bed. This unique geological fault was a feature of great scientific interest at the time but now attracts fewer visitors. It is thought in some quarters that the slippage was as a result of dredging being carried out in the Thames, because of the coincidence in timing. Strict rules regarding piling for any new building around this area are now in place.

The area of High Halstow Woods, now owned by the RSPB, ebbed and flowed with the passing years. A large area to the West of the existing wood is now undergoing reforestation, providing habitat, no doubt, for a myriad of small animals.

The clement weather on the Peninsula makes it an ideal venue for crop growing. Local farms have secured prestigious contracts with the high quality fruit and vegetables they are able to provide. However residents of High Halstow know well that the weather can be localised. Prudent villagers will always go well prepared, knowing that once they leave the sunshine of the village, they can easily disappear into the fog before even reaching the A228.

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